Technical University of Munich


Winged by its entrepreneurial spirit, and encouraged by its proven potential for progressive change, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has become Germany’s flagship university of technology, awarded the title “University of Excellence” three times in row since the birth of Germany’s Excellence Initiative.  

TUM draws its strength from the research and education excellence of its seven TUM Schools and reinforces transdisciplinary innovations through mission-driven Integrative Research Institutes. In response to rapid societal change in the age of digitalization and biologization, TUM has been fundamentally reforming the concept of engineering, opening it up to natural and life sciences, medicine, business management, humanities and social sciences.

TUM is leading the work package on the control overhaul of the system, where the mobile robots and litter gripping devices will be fitted with state-of-the-art modern control systems; to efficiently navigate in unstructured environments with a high degree of autonomy. TUM’s team is also working on the design and fabrication of the heavy lift grapple, , and the fine-tuning of the robots’ pose (position and attitude) for control purposes. Other tasks for TUM include linking SeaClear2.0 with other EU lighthouses, initiatives, and projects.


Stefan Tum

Stefan Sosnowski

Work package leader for control overhaul

Petar Tum

Petar Bevanda

Research Engineer in underwater control for grasping

Jan Tum

Jan Brüdigam

Research Engineer in underwater control for grasping

Nicolas Tum

Nicolas Hoischen


Tzu Yuan Tum

Tzu-Yuan Huang


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